El Presidente - Ray Smith, Dave Pricket, Peter Skelly, Bob McCormick.
Dave Prickett, Richard Arnold (standing in front of a poor old pensioner), Griffo (he thought it was pensioner's discount Wednesday).
Keith Gargett, Alan Frost, Ken Fraser.
Des Crabbe, Peter Morris, Ray Kettley, Wally Telford, Greg Baker.
Mike Muirhead, Keith Gargett, Ray Smith, Kev Mahoney.
Crabbie's letter from the Queen. Unfortunately nobody knew who the Queen was but we were sure he was a very nice guy.
Crabbie's prestigous award.
Ken Fraser, Ray Kettley, Peter Creevey, Richard Arnold, Graham Field, Kev Mahoney.
Graham Field, Ken Fraser, Peter Skelly.
Ken Fraser, Ray Kettley, Alan Griffiths, Peter Creevey.
Crabbie looks a bit concerned that somebody might steal his purple coat and on his birthday lunch too!