Here are a few stories about a popular member Of the Squash Club George Nuss. One story has already been told, the Crows and the Canary story.

One morning George arrived at work in the Post Office out of breath, and Joe Williams asked him what he had been doing, George's reply was that he had just beaten Eric Bigby (who at that time was a well known Queensland athlete) in a race.

George said they had both got off the bus at the City Hall in Adelaide street and George had beaten Eric up to Edward street, and as the story goes George was running and Eric was walking and of course Eric didn't know it was a race.

Another Nussie story was when he was late for work one day, he told the boss he had got his toe caught in the Escalator at Penney's Store in queen street, and it took them a fair while to organise a "Big Toe Truck" to get there to release him from his predicament.

One more George story was the night he had been playing fixtures at Boomerang and had offered Joe Williams a lift home when they both adjourned out to the car park to have a couple more under the tree. George's car looked to be leaning down at the front on closer inspection it was found that the two front wheels had been removed.

Just thought of another Nussie story. One day at work at the Post Office, about 5 of George's mates where on what was called broken shifts, which meant they had 2 hours for lunch, anyhow this day George's mates decided they were enjoying the few drinks they were having for lunch and decided they would ring work up from the pub and say they where all too ill to come back to work, among the group were John Mather, Joe Williams.

Of course the Boss wasn't too happy as he was filling out the Sick forms, Nussie walked past and said to him looks like those other "Two Bastards" aren't coming back either , and the Boss said "which two Bastards", George's reply was "Burke and Wills".

I am afraid the Boss didn't see any humour in that remark, but everyone in earshot did as there was plenty of laughter.

There are many more stories that involved Nussie, far too many to tell in this article.