These Stories were in The Puntimal in September 1971.
Presidents Report.
I would like firstly to welcome all he new members, Bob Pareeza, Neil Horton, and Noel Jurgenson. Russell McConnell, Trevor Hardwick, Barry Newman, Les Rogers, Rod Neilson, Dave Osbourne, Glen Wedge, Russell Rogers, Bob Bartels, Bill Colon, Bevan Lynch, Les Bosworth, Mick Argeoros, Craig Gibson, Peter Morris & Robert Pederson.
The Captain's Report.
The Men's Teams Incentive Points Competition was won by the A3 Team of Ray Kettley, Joe Williams, John Stirling and Noel Farthing in a close finish from the D1 and A1 Teams.
Our No 1 Team were successful in winning the A1 Pennant, in the Semi-Final they beat Dave Wrights's Nundah Team, which was a great victory. Chris Whight won in 4, Brian King lost in 5, Ken Fraser won in 4, and Dave Prickett getting the one game required off Dave Wright to clinch the match. The Final against Camp Hill was a good win for our Team, Chris won in 4, Brian lost in 3, Ken and Dave won in 3.
Our Team in A2 won the Semi-Final from Kangaroo Point 4/1, but lost the final to a strong Grange Team 1/4, Santo Coco recording a good 3-0 win, Peter Land, Wal Kwit and Bob Ford found the opposition a bit strong, but when you consider this team played A1 for a number of seasons and are going up to A1 again, it was a good effort.
Our No 3 Team in the A3 Final were beaten by Camp Hill by 6 Points, Noel Farthing won 3-1, Joe Williams won in 5, but both John Stirling and Ray Kettley played well but lost 2-3 and 1-3 respectively.
Although we only managed to win the number one Pennant in the A Grade, it was a great effort to have finalists in A1, A2, & A3.
The Veteran
A new young member of the club happened to see Bill Crisp practicing the other day and was so impressed that he asked Bill why he didn't enter for the Veterans Title in the Brisbane Championships as he thought Bill would have a good chance, Crispo asked the youngster how old do you have to be to enter. The Lad said "40 Mr Crisp", Bill's quick and very curt reply was "You must be joking, I won't be eligible for another 8 years yet".
Stories from the Puntimal April 1972
President's Report.
Another season is once again upon us and I would like to welcome the following new members and also a few ex-members making a comeback to competition play.
Frank Brand, Tom McCormick, Ken Fraser, Peter Robinson, Greg Paul, Lawrie Pashley, Marion Gazzard, Gail Mann, Joan Egan, Edna Sanford, Marilyn Charters, Heather Storey, Linda Mattazi, Laraine Benstead, Colette Pashley, Marilyn Fry, Lynn Moore & Jeannie Taylor.
Congratulations to all the Pennant Winning Teams. We managed to collect 6 men's pennants this season but unfortunately missed out on the Ladies.
Stars of the future.
Our sincere congratulations to the following Couples on the newly arrived bundles of Joy.
Barry & Margaret Ashby a boy "Elton"
Mike & Helen Hendy a girl "Fiona"
John & Renata Beck a boy "Shane"
Jill & Graham Mackay a boy "Paul"
Col's Quotes.
Men with money to burn have started many a girl playing with fire.
Said Flo, a Lady of the evening to Delores (Another Pro) "Would you lend me $10 until I get back on my back".
Stories taken from the Puntimal of May 1972.
President's Report.
Our Club has two A1 Men's Teams competing in this seasons fixtures.
Team 1. Dave Prickett, Bob Pareeza (Owner of Corinda Squash Centre) Brian King & Frank Brand (formerly K.S.C.). The second team is Ken Fraser, Tom McCormick, (Manger of Northern Suburbs Squash Centre), Peter Land & Ray Kettley. From all reports both teams are going well, come on fellows lets make it an all Boomerang A1 Final. These teams clash on two occasions during the season, the 23rd May and 25th July see you there.
Club Raffles
Our Club is now raffling a variety of seafood trays, Meat Trays, Turkeys, Mud Crabs etc each Lunch hour session of a Sunday at the Hotel Terminus to raise club funds. Our appreciation is extended to the licensee one of our Vice-Patrons, Pat McMahon for this privilege. Pat is pretty keen about squash and although not playing fixtures, he will be seen in action in our Handicap Tournament.
The funds raised from these raffles are enjoyed by all members of our club, and shortly more members will be asked to assist in running the raffles. It gets a bit much for the same few to do it all year round. If you do wish to help, let one of the club officials know.
Interstate Teams Event.
As you already know Dave Prickett and Ken Fraser were selected in the
Queensland Squash Team, and the following is a brief summary of their performances. Dave played in eight matches and was defeated only once by Bill Reedman from N.S.W. who is ranked no 4 in Australia.
Ken played in five matches and was undefeated; The Queensland Team never lost a rubber until they played N.S.W. and were defeated 3-1.
Australian Masters Championships.
Barry Green, our new A1 player, won the Australian Masters Squash Title at the recent championships played in Brisbane. Barry also won the Queensland Veterans Tennis Title a couple of weeks later. A couple of weeks after Barry had won the Masters Australian Title, the two Boomerang A1 Teams played each other, and Peter Land defeated Barry, and the very next week Peter played against Marion Jackman in the fixtures (Marion was then playing in the Men's competition),
(Joe's 2009 comment, I remember Podge was hard to put up with at the pub for awhile after that couple of weeks, as he said he had beaten two current Australian Squash Champions).
A1 - First for Boomerang Women.
This Summer Season we are fielding an A1 Women's side consisting of
Gail Hughes, Helen Hendy, Karen Anderson, Greta Brown, Marion Gazzard, and I am sure that all members wish them the very best of luck for the Season.
Late Extra.
Nearly forgot: Club members, Tom Connor and Jan Oakhill recently announced their engagement. As most members know Tom has been courting Jan for a number of years, but apparently could not afford the Sparkly until coming into money
this year. He was elected Club Treasurer early this year.
A Few more Stories from the November 1972 Puntimal.
Captain Joe's Report.
Saturday morning practice for the Ladies commenced a few weeks ago with a good first morning roll up, Stan Tredwell, Rob Meyer, Bob Bartels, Merv Carlyon, Peter Land, Ray Kettley Peter Creevey and myself were there to run the Ladies around the court.
(Joe's 2009 comment) I had forgotten that we tried the Ladies Saturday morning practice, the main club practice used to be Saturday arvo and Sunday mornings, and all members Male and Female used to practice). Sounds like we must have decided give the Girls an extra session; it probably gave the girls more chance of having a hit with the blokes.
Jan's Jazz.
The A1 girls registered their first point of the competition (the season is only 3 weeks old) when Gail Hughes defeated Betty Studders of Stones Corner in 4, Helen Hendy has lost her 3 matches in 5 sets, Unfortunately Karen Anderson has not played since the start of the Season. While helping husband Paul, do some work around the yard, she was unlucky enough to have her foot in the wrong place when Paul dropped a heavy piece of wood. The result - a broken bone in the foot.
A3. Going well running second at the moment, Marj Mather has not lost one so far.
B1 Doing the best of the women's teams, they are on top of ladder with Jan Bourke being undefeated.
C2 Going well also running second with Rhonda Kirkland yet to lose a match.
F1 A slow start but with the vigor some members are putting into practice they should improve.
Those bloodstains appearing on the court the other week-end belonged to Marilyn Fry who met the wrong end of Collette Pashley's racquet. Result 3 stitches in the forehead.
Our Junior Representative.
Recently several teams representing Brisbane traveled to Newcastle to do battle with the locals. These included Men's and Women's Senior and Junior teams. Our No 1 Junior Girl, Deslee Mather was selected to play No 4 for the Brisbane Junior Girls, and had easy victories in her two matches winning 27-3 and 27-4.
Deslee tells me that although the Men's Senior team lost, the other three Brisbane sides had good wins, and everyone who made the trip were treated to a royal time by the Newcastle organizers and Competitors.
It's probably just as well Deslee will be too old to play in the Juniors next year, as her boy friend, Trevor Till (C2) , still hasn't recovered from seeing his little darling drive off with Dernis Buckley, who was Deslee's chauffeur for the trip.
Peter Creevey back from Hayman Island and only has one complaint, his drinking time was being interrupted by bikini belles trying to seduce him (could you imagine).
Also on holidays are John O'Sullivan, Brian Murdoch and George Nuss.
Jan Oakhill recently elected to this Association.
Stories taken from Puntimul May 1973.
Under New Management.
Let me take this opportunity, on behalf of the Club, to extend thanks to the retiring editor, Terry Watt. It's sometime since the last Puntimul, so the main purpose of this edition is to get off the ground again. Maybe in the rush, some things have been overlooked. If so, they can be put in future editions by contacting me at the address below.
Kev Mahoney
C/- The Tree
Boomerang Squash Courts.
The President's Report.
A warm welcome is extended to the following new members and past members rejoining the Club.
Yvonne Gazzard, Carolyn Watson, Karen Watson, Carol Suttie, Margaret McCarthy, Bev Hand, Cheryl Mundi, Gail Bourke, Jo Hughes, Jenny Harvey, Sue Collingwood.
Mike Lapham, Arthur Comino, John Walker, Col Lamont, Ted Callaghan, Mike Muirhead, Greg Eales, Graham Hind, Jim Rose, Glen Taylor, Tom Sturdy, Terry Wale, Col Thorogood, Darryl Taylor, Don Jefferies, Bob McAuliffe, Trevor Brandon & John Irving.
What the Editor Heard Under the Tree, or somewhere near the Tree.
Tom Connor rounded off the recent cricket season with a chanceless century against Norths. Now as we all know, Norths are led by that veteran Leg-Spinner who claims he can bowl Tom out Any Time.